Medical Specialties
At FzioMed, we formulate and manufacture innovative, bioabsorbable products that help surgeons improve surgical outcomes. Learn about our adhesion barrier products for the following medical specialties:
Spine Surgery
Tendon & Peripheral Nerve
We also offer DYNAVISC® adhesion barrier gel for use in tendon and peripheral nerve surgeries such as in the hand, foot, shoulder, and knee.

For intrauterine and peritoneal surgery, our Oxiplex/AP® absorbable barrier gel reduces the incidence, extent and severity of postoperative adhesions.

Oxiplex/IU® is intended to be used as an adjunct to intrauterine procedures for reducing the incidence, extent, and severity of adhesions.

FzioMed products are comprised of proprietary formulations of 2 well-characterized and biocompatible medical polymers – carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and polyethylene oxide (PEO). We start with this core science and manufacture gel products that doctors use during surgery to separate and protect traumatized tissues where postoperative adhesions and pain occurs.
Clinical trials with FzioMed products have shown that coating tissues in this way can safely reduce postoperative pain, prevent the formation of adhesions, and improve patient outcomes.3,4,5
Our products have a long history of safe and effective use in a variety of surgery procedures. Our goal is to provide tissue protection without compromise.
This internet posting serves as a notice under 35 U.S.C. § 287(a) that the following products are covered by, or are for use under, one or more of the U.S. patents listed below. Each product may also be covered by one or more foreign patents, and additional U.S. and/or foreign patent application(s) may be pending.
6,923,961, 7,265,098, 9,636,434, 9,821,088, 10,052,408, 9,345,809, 9,161,987, 9,381,271, 9,682,167
For more information, contact us online.
What Our Users are Saying
“I would like to provide my personal testimony, and that of my co-workers, in favor of Medishield/Oxiplex: it’s a safe and reliable adhesion-barrier, whose formulation has been designed is most appropriate fashion. It helps a lot the patients, and it makes a reoperation quicker and easier! We recommend its application on a routine basis.”
“Medishield/Oxiplex by Medtronic was introduced in our Department years ago, and ever since we have used it with satisfaction on more than 200 patients. We have observed positive outcome, while the gel has never caused undesired effects. We have also tested many other anti-fibrotic adhesion-barriers, some of which have disappeared, some are still existing, but in our belief, Medishield/Oxiplex is the most reliable.”
“Medishield/Oxiplex is a fantastic gel for adhesion prevention! We have a long and massive case history, on several hundred patients treated, with good outcome. No other adhesion-prevention product can guarantee as reliable and reproducible results, with as good safety profile.”
“In our Center, we have been using routinely Medishield/Oxiplex since 2003 as an adhesion barrier in spinal decompression procedures. Thanks to the excellent outcomes we have obtained thus far, we believe we have been able to prevent revision surgery in at least 20% of the patients treated. In all others, post-op outcome has been faster and more comfortable to untreated patients. In all cases, it always was a safe and biocompatible product. We believe it’s a great help to modern day spinal surgery.”
“I would like to provide my testimony as regards the adhesion-prevention gel Oxiplex, which I’ve used on about 500 patients of mine, over a 7 yr period: outcomes have always been good, with quicker recovery rates, and no undesired effects of any kind. In revision procedures, patients previously treated have evidenced a pristine anatomy, which reduces greatly risks for the patients, and makes operation easier and safer. Oxiplex never caused long-term safety problems and/or concerns. We all like this great product in our Department.”
“Dear Sirs, now retired, I have been Director of the Orthopedic Department of the KAT Hospital, and of the University Orthopedic Division, both in Athens. It would be my pleasure to testify my personal direct positive experience in the use of Medishield (another trade name for Oxiplex, by FzioMed) for the prevention of post-op fibrotic adhesions in patients operated for decompression of the spinal canal. In our Department, my Colleagues and I have replaced Adcon-L as soon as Medishield became available through Medtronic Europe, and immediately realized the great superiority of this gel, thanks to its higher biocompatibility, associated with a high efficacy. It would be a real pity if such good product wouldn’t be available to U.S. patients; indeed, I’m quite surprised it is not yet! My U.S. Colleagues have always expressed a great need of it, and some of them who come to Greece to operate, ask for it in the Greek Clinics.”
“Oxiplex/SP has proven to be a technologically advanced and safe gel for prevention of fibrosis. It never caused any problems and/or adverse events in our experience. Certainly, it takes a certain amount of personal attitude, because not all surgeons believe in a direct correlation between fibrosis and recurrence of pain. Personally, I was operated 7 years ago, due to disc herniation L3-L4, and positively asked to be treated with Oxiplex/SP by my surgeon Colleague; well, it seemed to work out, alongside surgery, as I had no FBSS at all, and feel fine ever since!”
“Medishield/Oxiplex is a good, helpful product for adhesion prevention, and have used it for many years at our practice. Many procedures done with it, achieved good results especially in recurrent herniation with absence of scar, and very good recognition of tissue planes no problem! Please, consider validation of Medishield/Oxiplex in America! Thank you for your attention!”
“I have used Oxiplex/SP a few times, depending on its availability in our Hospital, and I have acknowledged a significant degree of efficacy in preventing post-op fibrosis. Furthermore, it does seem to have an antalgic role, because the patients treated with Oxiplex/SP have reported a quicker clinical recovery than others.”
“Gentlemen, having used Medishield/Oxiplex for many years in our practice (starting 2003), we have built up quite a remarkable experience concerning the efficacy of this adhesion-barrier. We have used hundreds of units, mainly in laminotomy procedures, but many also in laminectomies. I have found it very beneficial, and certainly very much advanced in comparison to competitive systems and products, in terms of safety and predictability of its efficacy. Quite a few of the patients treated have been reoperated for recurrence of herniation: in these cases, our work benefited greatly, in terms of safety and ease of reoperation. Surprisingly, this good product is not available in USA! I recommend its approval!”
“It is my intention to place my endorsement in favor of the Corporation manufacturing Oxiplex/SP, which has demonstrated to be a seriously thought out product and a great help in everyday life, for both patient and surgeon.”
“Dear Sirs, in our hospital, we have used Medishield/Oxiplex for many years (and still use it today). Our experience has always presented with good clinical outcomes, and has been confirmed in multiple recurrent cases, particularly on young patients and still at work. Personally, I have presented my experience in several international congresses, and I am still convinced about the superiority of this product, compared with competitive systems, in terms of efficacy and safety profile. Medishield/Oxiplex never gave rise to adverse events of any kind. I am utterly surprised it is not available in the U.S., after so many years!”
“In our practice (Public Hospital and Private Clinic), we have used Medishield/Oxiplex for many years, mostly in extensive and/or revision procedures, and found it beneficial in the majority of cases. We have observed it works well, and it is indispensable, in wide decompression procedures of the lumbar canal, where the degree of stenosys justifies a multilevel laminectomy. Performing such surgery without the help of Medishield/Oxiplex would mean oblige the patience to frequent revisions and suffer FBSS.”
“Being a user of Medishield/Oxiplex for several years, my experience is positive. I am a spine surgeon, we have to do surgery on recurrent lumbar disc cases. In my experience the amount of scar tissue in case where at primary surgery Medishield/Oxiplex was used, was significant less in recurrent surgery. One of my former coworkers did a retrospective review on several surgical cases and presented a poster stating the post-op remaining leg pain as much less frequent in Medishield/Oxiplex cases. Unfortunately due to reimbursement changes in our country I was forced to stop using it.”
“We regularly apply Medishield/Oxiplex after lumbar disc surgeries to prevent scarring after revision surgery. We have truly very good outcomes in our patients with this device. In our practice there were no adverse events recognized. I had former experience with Adcon-L. The Medishield/Oxiplex results are even better.”
Last Updated: March 5, 2024